Thanks for taking the time to visit my website. I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a wife and mother of 3 young children, Matthew 13, Ellie 10 and Freddie 6. I was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2001 at the age of 36. Following Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, I was in remission until a chance MRI scan in Feb 2005 for an unrelated problem, detected that the Cancer had returned. I was then diagnosed with Secondary Breast Cancer. The likely prognosis given in February was 18 months to 5 years. I then had to undergo aggressive Chemotherapy, but following the results of a recent bone scan, it was found that the Cancer is still spreading.
The treatment in Germany will cost thousands of pounds and for most people like myself, the opportunity for this is a dream. Many of my Family and Friends want to make this dream a reality and are making tremendous fund raising efforts, because without them, I would not be able to seek the treatment that I so obviously need and which is not being offered in this country.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Clinic Appointment at the Berks
I did wait about an hour and was seen by the Registrar. I mentioned the pain in my back and she examined me. She said it could be more bone pain and this would be made apparent on my next CT scan which she was going to arrange.
My bloods came back fairly good, especially the haemoglobin which was at a healthy 10.9 so no arrangements were made for a blood transfusion.
HB 10.9
WC 3.71
Platlets 111
Neutrifils 2.08
Monday, March 23, 2009
Pain in my back
I went to bed tonight feeling really ill and in a lot of pain. Things change so quickly, last week I was having a good few days and now I'm in pain again and feeling rubbish!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Gradually feeling better
The nosebleeds seem to have settled down for now. I think the chemo makes them worse and then they gradually calm down before the next cycle when they get horrendous again.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Blood Transfusions at the Berks
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Chemo Day - Cycle 2
I check into the chemo suite and 9.30 and am asked to take a seat. There aren't many people waiting at this point but within an hour there is a steady trickle. I'm expecting to be taken in quite quickly because one of my treatments, Pamidronate, is in the fridge and readily available to infuse. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case and other people are going in in front of me how arrived after me. Then Helene, the receptionist asks who signed me in which I'm not sure of her name and she says that my notes aren't upstairs (which is probably why I haven't been called through). She says they must still be downstairs and would I mind going to get them. I'm absolutely flabbergasted and say well not really. She gets a little huffy so I say alright if I have to.
I limp downstairs because my hip and leg still hurt and meet one of the nurses downstairs from the chemo ward collecting my notes. She's puzzled to see me and I said that I was sent down to get them (they should have been sent up after clinic yesterday but there appears to have been a cock up). As usual, it's farce, Jackie asks if I'm okay and I start getting a bit upset and ask who is the patient? I shouldn't be asked to run around looking for my notes. She totally agrees and sends me back upstairs at which point I'm taken into the chemo suite to start my treatment.
I'm so tired of hospital appointments and cock-ups. It's never ending. I'm back again next week for a blood transfusion.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Clinic Appointment/CT Scan results
3 hours I had to wait before being seen. Ridiculous. I don't normally say anything but felt that if I didn't everyone would be saying how bad it is to wait this long and I should have said something, so I did. Well, it didn't do me any favours, the Oncologist apologised in quite a moody fashion for keeping me waiting for 3 hours but she said she had 34 patients to see and she was the only Oncologist on duty. Then when I went to make my next appointment and the receptionist said 10.45, I obviously said okay but not that it meant anything and that I had to wait around for 3 hours today. She wasn't at all sympathetic and just said that is the way it is and I thought was quite rude to me. Suffice to say, I came away feeling quite upset but also because of the CT scan results .....
Firstly the Oncologist wasn't even going to say anything about the CT scan as there wasn't a copy on my notes, so if I hadn't mentioned them I could have gone way not knowing. Anyway she's given me a copy. Not good. There is another tumour in the liver and the possibility of a tumour in the lung. Too early to tell regarding the lung but the report says there is a 4mm subpleural nodule anteriorly in the right upper lobe of uncertain significance. This may account for the pain in my chest area but who knows.
I have to wait for 3 cycles of the chemo before another scan to see how things are working so it's possible that the chemo will deal with this new spread.
My bloods are okay for chemo but my haemoglobin is dropping again, 8.7 this time so they've scheduled another blood transfusion for Tuesday next week which means organising a blood match on Monday and then spending all day on Tuesday at the hospital. I'm so fed up of hospital appointments!
I'm obviously upset by this latest news, I've had a few tears but I'll bounce back and deal with it as I usually do, I just need a little time to digest it all.
Hb - 8.7
wc - 5.32
Platelets - 103
Neutrifils 3.01
Monday, March 02, 2009
Feeling a bit more normal
The nosebleeds are settling down although I do still feel like I have a continuous cold. I assume this is going to be my good week out of the three week chemo cycle as I've got chemo on Thursday this week.