Thanks for taking the time to visit my website. I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a wife and mother of 3 young children, Matthew 13, Ellie 10 and Freddie 6. I was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2001 at the age of 36. Following Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, I was in remission until a chance MRI scan in Feb 2005 for an unrelated problem, detected that the Cancer had returned. I was then diagnosed with Secondary Breast Cancer. The likely prognosis given in February was 18 months to 5 years. I then had to undergo aggressive Chemotherapy, but following the results of a recent bone scan, it was found that the Cancer is still spreading.
The treatment in Germany will cost thousands of pounds and for most people like myself, the opportunity for this is a dream. Many of my Family and Friends want to make this dream a reality and are making tremendous fund raising efforts, because without them, I would not be able to seek the treatment that I so obviously need and which is not being offered in this country.
Hand and Foot syndrome
The pain in my hands and feet is getting unbearable. I went to see the GP yesterday and got some cream and Pyridoxine (B6 tablets). This condition is called “Hand and Foot” syndrome and is quite common when receiving the Taxotere chemotherapy. Just when I thought I was going to get away with feeling fairly okay after the 4th chemo.
Sore hands and feet
I thought I hadn’t been feeling too bad this week considering but have noticed that my hands and feet are feeling really sore and turning extremely red. They almost look like I’ve put them in scolding hot water!
Support from work
BBC Monitoring Personnel have visited today and again made me feel at ease. They have been very supportive.
I'm finally free of pain
Another trip to the Pranic Healer. This time the pain in my leg and hip has totally gone. I can’t believe it! The pain in my leg has plagued me for 7 months, now I’m finally free. I'm going to cancel the cortisone injections.
At last, I’ve been released. I was starting to get depressed in there and really missing the kids. It was disappointing for them to come in every day and find that I had to stay another night. Also there wasn't another patient on the ward under 60 or even possibly 70. It wasn't really a lot of fun and probably made worse by the fact that Doris in the next bed died during the night!